I don't have any desire to present myself as a journeyman woodworker. I'm definitely learning as I go, and I'm always striving to make the next piece better than my last. What I am though, is a guy who is very handy with tools. I've always been good at fixing and building things, so it is my strong desire to give back to the wet shaving community by making high quality items that I think people will enjoy and use.
I have a good eye for detail, and it's my goal to bring old-world care and craftsmanship back into the 21st century. We live in a disposable society, and I do not want to make disposable products. I use the finest quality hardwoods, as well as the best looking, most durable finishes. I take great care in making everything as perfect as I am capable of, and my goal is always 100% satisfaction among my customers. If there is something about your order that makes you unhappy, I will (within reason*) do anything I can to make you a satisfied customer. I'm a reasonable guy, and I take much pride in making sure that you get exactly what you're expecting.
I realize that care and quality often comes at a premium price. For me, this project is most definitely a labor of love. Please understand that the cost of anything I make is directly tied to how much it costs me to produce it. I don't feel that I'm taking advantage of anyone, and if I could figure out a way to make and sell these items cheaper, I would be doing it. I'm sure that there are those who could make these items cheaper and faster. I'm sure someone could back a dump truck full of trees up to a factory overseas, and crank out hundreds of these items at a fraction of the cost. I have little desire to compete with those folks on price, because I believe when you operate like that, you lose something very special.
A little about me: I'm a middle-aged IT guy, and I've struggled with shaving my whole life. We have a running joke in my family about how dark, thick, dense, wiry and extremely fast-growing our stubble is. Cartridge razors always provided me a suitable shave, but at $5 each, and considering the fact that my beard wore them down in 2-3 shaves, they would have put me in the poor house. I used an electric face-mower for years, and produced a painful, miserable shave, because my beard hairs were too thick to cut; they merely got ripped out by the roots.
I discovered wet shaving recently, and it has become my favorite thing. I love the process, I love the results I get. I love the idea of shaving the same way my Granddad did. I love taking a little extra time out of my day to reflect and enjoy shaving. Since I started wet shaving, I haven't looked back. The Crafty Badger is my attempt to give back to the community that has given me so much.
I believe in completely open communication. If you ever, at any point, have any questions about my methods, materials, or if you have any suggestions as to how I could provide better service and value to my customers, please let me know. My email address is craig@thecraftybadger.com. I am always eager to receive questions, comments, criticisms or compliments.
Thank you all for allowing me to do something I love doing!
*Note: If you're unhappy, and your proposed solution involves a Ferrari, or a jar of the finest Almas Caviar to make up for your inconvenience, we may arrive at a friendly impasse.
Thanks for sharing your opinion. This is the first thing that changed me was when I started traditional wet shaving. It brought me back.